Welcome to the 2024 - 2025 Winter Cheer Program
On time registration is September 15th - October 15th, late fees will begin on October 16th.
Winter Select Cheer will begin late November and run through March. If tryouts are necessary, they will take place in late October.
Winter cheer is for ages 5-14 years, more information will be posted on the GH Cheer page.
Practice will be held 2-3 times per week at a local school, each team will have mat time when available.
There will be 3-4 mandatory local competitions during the season. Dates will be released when we know how many teams are ready to register.
Coaches and Team Parents are always needed! If we do not have coaches, we will not be able to offer this program. Please consider stepping up.
Please register using the registration link on our homepage and complete the 2 requirements detailed on the registration form if you haven’t already:
1) You must have a current AA County Parks and Rec background check, and
2) You must have a concussion training certificate on file with the GH Office.
Squads will travel to a minimum of four competitions, with at least one requiring an overnight stay in March. Currently our competition dates are as follows: Athletes MUST attend ALL competitions.
Registration will open September 15th.
Winter Select cheer is $475.
Winter Comp Level 1 is $500
Winter Comp Level 2 is $575
This fee goes towards competition registration and mat time.

All athletes are required to purchase:
Cheer sneakers
Pom Poms
*Selected items to purchase will be emailed and posted on our private Facebook group, "SPGH Cheer".
Important future dates:
Our Winter Select tryouts will be posted once scheduled.
We will wait to announce team selections until conclusion of fall cheer.
Winter Select is a very demanding season, lasting from November-April. All parents and athletes will be expected to sign a behavior and commitment contract in order to participate.
Athletes have a minimum of (2x) practices weekly, with upwards of (3x) during competition weeks. Tumbling classes will also be incorporated into the practice schedule.
Squads will travel to a minimum of four competitions, with at least one requiring an overnight stay.
Registration for this program will be made available soon.
Our cheer registration has more than doubled since last year, but we need your help to keep growing our wonderful program! And as we are always looking to add experienced cheer and tumble coaches, we are more than willing to train anyone over 18 who is passionate about the sport. If unable to coach, we would certainly welcome your participation as a "Cheer Parent," a role that is especially crucial on our younger squads. Cheer Parents assist coaches at practice, games and facilitate communication with parents. If you are willing to help, I would love to hear from you!
Our teams worked incredibly hard this past season and were rewarded as such, bringing home many first place titles along the way. This year, with continued hard work, we expect to move up a division! With that in mind, we will be posting strength and flexibility drills, as well as sideline cheers, on our private Facebook group, "SPGH Cheer."
It has been an amazing first year for me as the Commissioner. I am constantly blown away by the dedication our coaches show these young athletes. It is truly an honor to serve them and our community. As always, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out.
Brooke Glasgow
Severna Park Green Hornets Cheer Commissioner
I've got SPirit